“Why does my back keep going out of alignment?”
I am a 58 year old female. I want to know why does my back keep going out of alignment?
11 Answers
We typically do the same things after an adjustment. For example, practicing poor posture or hunching after chiropractic treatment
Could be from several factors, from how you sit in your car or sit at your desk at work or sit on the couch at night. Also, several other mechanical factors. If it continues to happen, you need to be checked out by a doctor like me who specializes in mechanics of the spine.
The short answer is stress. There really are too many reasons for this. A good practitioner will help you identify the areas in your life that contribute to you back going out of alignment all the time. I could be that your tendons and joints aren't getting the right nutrients. Maybe you need a new mattress or pillow. Perhaps your ergonomics at work or home need to be adjusted. It is possible that there is an underlying systemic problem going on like diabetes, thyroid problems, liver problem, kidney problem, or autoimmune problems that need to be addressed. The point is, you need to find a chiropractic physician that will try to help you uncover the cause of your back problems. A detailed history and thorough examination, including X-rays, and perhaps lab work is necessary to answer your question.
Spinal misalignment is caused by many factors. Depending on your activities, stress, diet, heredity, and how long you have had a particular condition.There is no simple answer to your question. You might want to limit prolonged sitting, get more exercise, lead a healthier lifestyle, and make dietary changes that may effect your metabolism. It's a good idea to be aware of posture and get maintenance chiropractic care to keep balanced and aligned as possible.
Dr. Steven I. Brown, Chiropractor
Dr. Steven I. Brown, Chiropractor
Your back doesn’t “go out of alignment”. That’s just an expression, like “throwing your back out”. It’s medically nonsensical. What is LIKELY happening—and I say this with zero information, but with 90% probability—is you are re-straining lumbosacral multifidi (microscopic muscle tears) repeatedly through improper bending and lifting. Find someone who TRULY understands eccentic load and lumbosacral musculature and teaches you proper bending and lifting technique, as well as endurance/stability exercises that develop slow-twitch muscle fiber in the lumbosacral and abdominal muscles.
Side planks are in your future.
Good luck!
Side planks are in your future.
Good luck!
There can be many reasons your back keeps going out. First is the movement in the spine that results in a subluxation is a physical response to your environment and stress, so if you have a recurring stress happening, the pattern of your body to try to adapt for it will continue. These stresses can be physical, mental or environmental. Secondly, based on just your age and being a female, it is common to see recurring subluxation due to de-conditioning of the core muscles needed for proper posture and spinal function.
Your daily activities are constantly creating muscle imbalances. It's unavoidable, it happens to everyone.
It could be physical issues, lack of flexibilty or good muscle tone that certain exercises need to be performed. It could be dehydration. Lack of minerals. Poor posture with sitting, sleeping or a bad mattress or pillow.
Our bodies are constantly adapting to the environment. If you have been out of alignment for many years, your body becomes accustomed to being out of alignment. So when correction occurs, the body wants to go back to where it is used to being. Each treatment gets your body closer to staying in proper alignment.
My opinion is that you may be suffering from instability of the spine and you need core strengthening exercises.
You may be in adrenal fatigue. When this happens, the adrenals stop or slow the secretion of a hormone that supports ligament strength. Ligaments hold bones to bone together. Your pelvis is held together by Ligaments and if the pelvis is not stable nothing above it is stable and adjustments will not hold. There are other reasons also like old injuries. See an Applied Kinesiology Chiropractor or a Quintessential Application Chiropractor.