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Why is this happening?

I have an average penis with a very long foreskin. I had a hernia operation about 12 years ago and since then the skin has got longer. I was circumcised at birth, but now have to pull the skin over the head of the penis to urinate most times. Why is this happening?

Male | 44 years old
Complaint duration: 5-10 years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

It appears that you had an incomplete circumcision. Sometimes the extra skin pulls further over the glans more likely due to some retraction of the penis. This may be related to weight gain.
Initially, your circumcision was not done right. If this condition now bothers you, then you may need a minor procedure to trim the excess foreskin done under local anesthesia.
No relation to hernia. Would need to redo circumcision if bothersome