“Will my teeth hurt after getting braces?”
I want to straighten my teeth. Will my teeth hurt after getting braces?
5 Answers
It is normal to feel a slight discomfort or even an ache in teeth for a couple of days after getting braces on, and again each time they tighten or adjust your braces. Usually this can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen. It helps to understand the mechanics of tooth movement to straighten teeth. The process requires applying consistent pressure on the teeth to move them in small increments as they gradually reposition their roots in the jaw bone. An experienced dentist or orthodontist will apply laws of nature in how fast bone grows in planning out stages to get your teeth from their original positions to their optimal position. The amount movement needed and difficulty of movement involved will determine how long they anticipate it will take. A good dentist will also advise you that once your teeth have been straightened to their optimal position you will need some type of retainer to keep them from shifting back to their original position. This could be a fixed retainer, or a tray you put in for a few hours each day. The retainer should never give you discomfort, unless you take it out and don't wear it several days. If left out for weeks at a time you could have to start over with braces to get your teeth straight again. These same principles apply with plastic aligners like Invisalign. The difference is the clear plastic aligners can be taken out while eating, and if not worn the number of required hours will not move the teeth as planned. (John K. Hackbarth, DDS is not currently practicing and is not affiliated with the Dental Cosmetic Center Bay Area nor it's doctors. For a referral to an experienced dentist or orthodontist you may contact Dr. Hackbarth directly.)
Yes, there is no way around it. Imagine working out for the first time in a year. Your muscles are sore, but the more you work out, the less your muscles hurt. Your teeth attach to your bone with a ligament. Therefore, when you start to move your teeth they are sore. The longer you wear your braces, the less they hurt.