“Are cardiovascular diseases hereditary?”
My family has a history of cardiovascular diseases, and I'm worried that I might have one as well. Am I at risk for a cardiovascular disease if I have a family history with them?
5 Answers
You could have increased risk. Epigenetics means changing your risk by exposing your body and mind to a good healthy environment.
That is a very broad question. The short answer is, there are MANY a number of cardiovascular conditions that are genetically passed on to siblings and run in families, BUT NOT ALL cardiac conditions are “hereditary.“ One would have to very specific of the diagnosis in question for a cardiologist to answer the question about genetic predisposition.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
Absolutely. Family history is one of the most important risk factors to develop cardiovascular disease.
You are at increased risk, but remember you inherit genes from your mother and father's sides. If you look after yourself - good diet, mild exercise, I think a good multivitamin and fish oils - it will greatly reduce your risk.
Gerald Lewis, MD
Gerald Lewis, MD
Your doctor can order tests to look at genetic factors related to heart disease. They are very specific tests. Cleveland Heart Labs is a good source, although your doctor may not be familiar with their testing and may not have an account with them. There are multiple labs and diagnostic centers for advanced cardiovascular testing of cardiovascular conditions. Please consult with your doctor.