“back pain”
Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: a few years now
Medications: Zoloft
Conditions: scoliosis
15 Answers
ChiropractorBackPainAt the age of 16 you should NOT, … not be complaining of chronic pain!!!
Have you had X-rays? Been checks by RIGHT practitioner? Got 2nd opinion?
Here are some foot for thought,…
Your scoliosis could very well be lending a huge impact on your backpain.
1- For instant results; wearing top and bottom ( upper / lower cross correction) BAX-U activewear, helps realignment your body for less pressure on your back and surrounding soft tissue structures. It’s fashionable compression ATHLEISUREwear. We order from BAX-U.com
2- Get checked immediately by the chiropractor that offers, corrective care program or scoliosis specialist chiropractor.
3-if you already have X-rays you can setup a TeleVisit with me to start you on right path towards wellness
Hope this was helpful
Schedule TeleVisit:
T: 4243799357.