Chiropractor Questions Back Pain

back pain

I’m 16 and whenever I walk my back starts hurting and I have to sit down. I’ve also noticed that whenever I bend over and stand up it hurts. I do have scoliosis but the last time I had it checked it wasn’t that was that was probably like 7 years ago. I take Zoloft.

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: a few years now
Medications: Zoloft
Conditions: scoliosis

15 Answers

Sorry to hear about your back pain. Not being able to walk normally or for prolonged periods without sitting is concerning. There could be a variety of things going on that may or may not involve your scoliosis. It's important to monitor your scoliosis over time and be sure to have the degrees of the curve(s) measured if there is a significant concern. With back pain, it is important to get a definitive diagnosis on what the cause is and what the pain generator is. Different diagnoses have different treatments so that's why diagnosis is so important.
With hx of scoliosis there are going to be misalignments and restriction in your back that chiropracic care can help with. We can also evaluate to see if a leg length difference contributes to your condition. If you would like me to evaluate it for your please call 7015325320
Oh no. That's terrible. Someone your age with no other conditions shouldn't have severe back pain, unless due to injury.
Chiropractors can help with scoliosis. As you probably know, scoliosis is abnormal curving of the spine. This situation can cause joints within the spine to "catch" and get "stuck". In other words, the curve can put undo pressures through the joints and cause pain. A chiropractor can evaluate the scoliosis, address muscular imbalances and jammed joints, and put you on a program to help minimalize the stresses throughout your spine.
It's a disc that's irritated
Come in and get it fixed
Call my office 212 243 5515
2 out of 3 people with mental health disorders HAVE history of chronic muscle pain? Sad as it may sound musculoskeletal pains are preventable and correctable within 10-30 weeks, depending on the person or the intensity and security or frequency other condition.
At the age of 16 you should NOT, … not be complaining of chronic pain!!!
Have you had X-rays? Been checks by RIGHT practitioner? Got 2nd opinion?
Here are some foot for thought,…
Your scoliosis could very well be lending a huge impact on your backpain.

1- For instant results; wearing top and bottom ( upper / lower cross correction) BAX-U activewear, helps realignment your body for less pressure on your back and surrounding soft tissue structures. It’s fashionable compression ATHLEISUREwear. We order from

2- Get checked immediately by the chiropractor that offers, corrective care program or scoliosis specialist chiropractor.

3-if you already have X-rays you can setup a TeleVisit with me to start you on right path towards wellness

Hope this was helpful

Schedule TeleVisit:
T: 4243799357.
1st see a chiropractor to see what's going on biomechanicaly. 2nd work on posture and exercise to reduce your scoliosis. The more proactive you are now the less pain and degenerative you will have in the rest of your life.
I would get your back checked out again. At 16 yoa you shouldn’t be having that much pain, unless there was some kind of accident.
Hello, I am sorry to hear about your back pain. If it's more consistent when you're being active such as walking or standing it can possibly be either a disc or a muscular problem. It would be best to get an MRI of your lower back. It will show a lot more than an X-ray and this way we can pin point to what is causing the pain. Hope this helps!
Hi there! It might be time for another checkup, if the scoliosis is the same see a chiropractor to help with the pain.
It’s sound like you have a lower back nerve irritation. I would recommend getting check by a Chiropactor.

Best to visit a chiropractor for a complete evaluation.
At your age, scoliosis is the most likely culprit for ongoing back pain. Depending on the curves, scoliosis is not cureable but it is definitely manageable. Chiropractic adjustments will help manage exacerbations.
I would say pain is not normal and is a warning signal. Scoliosis is something that needs treatment to get better and feel better. Have a parent take you to a pediatric chiropractor who has experience with scoliosis management and expect to get better and feel better.
It is one area of expertise of mine. The best way to see what treatment you need is after an examination.