Dr. Wendy J. Jacobs
Sports Injuries, Mechanical Analysis. Our office is located just outside of Washington,DC in S. Arlington Virginia. We pride ourselves on treating the CAUSE of the problem not the SYMPTOMS. Our office is dedicated to helping heal you and relieve your stress. We Specialize in Sports Chiropractic but also care for pregnancies, infants and children.
Dr. Wendy J. Jacobs
- Arlington, Virginia
- Life University
- Accepting new patients
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Do exercises help with ankle arthritis?
Good Morning, They can but you must do the proper motion to improve the ankle motion. Dr. Jacobs
Can I run with ankle arthritis?
Hello, It would all depend on how bad the ankle arthritis is and what you're currently doing to help. Best Regards
Can tennis elbow be fixed?
Yes. It can be corrected but the cause must be found and corrected, too.
How can I fix tennis elbow pain?
First of all, do you play tennis?
What exercises are good for scoliosis?
Core, back extensions and swimming will help but Chiropractic is vital to stop or possibly reduce the curvature.
Can I exercise with sciatica?
Yes, but it must be to strengthen and improve range of motion.
Should I get a massage for neck pain?
Depends upon the reason for the neck pain. Massages are temporary but Chiropractic can correct the problem.
back pain
Oh no. That's terrible. Someone your age with no other conditions shouldn't have severe back pain, unless due to injury.
My father is suffering from severe back pain. Can it be treated with manual adjustment of the spine?
Yes. Definitely that's what Chiropractors do.
Can you help with heel pain?
Yes, I care for heel and foot injuries all the time.
Can I go to the gym if I have scoliosis?
Yes, but you must do exercises that will strengthen not inflame the curvature.
Do chiropractors offer free consultations?
yes. Most do.
How do you treat a curved back?
What type of curvature are you asking about