“Is there any replacement for braces to get the perfect smile?”
I am extremely conscious about my smile and would like to correct it. Is there a way to get a perfect smile without braces?
10 Answers
Clear aligners like Invisalign may be a good alternative. You should definitely seek a consultation with an orthodontist that is proficient in both braces and aligners.
Hello, this is a great question. Braces offer a tremendous amount of control of teeth for orthodontic purposes. This is why many orthodontists prefer braces to align teeth and correct bite problems. Braces are now available in ceramic materials which do blend much better with teeth than metal. Clear aligner therapy with Invisalign or some of the new aligners on the market offer esthetic options for tooth movements as well. Many cases require attachments to be bonded on the surfaces of the teeth to allow the aligners to engage the teeth to mimic the forces that are applied with braces. These attachments are made out of tooth colored composite materials that are usually used to repair chipped teeth. They are designed specifically for certain tooth movements. In addition, orthodontic rubber bands can also be used for certain bite corrections. I would encourage you to have a consultation with an orthodontist. You will learn a lot about your smile and have any of your questions answered. You will also learn about the different esthetic options including clear braces and clear aligners. When you begin your treatment, your orthodontist will be able to closely monitor your care and ensure that you get the smile you are looking for. I wish you the best of luck on your perfect smile! -John
Absolutely. I routinely uses aligners, a series of clear trays that gradually improve your bite and smile. There are many varieties. We offer Invisalign and. 3m Clarity aligners. For more difficult problems, it is also possible to treat using a combination of aligners and braces.
I hope that helps.
I hope that helps.
Be careful of thinking "perfect". There are many opinions regarding beauty and an attractive smile depends on more that an arrangement of teeth. Clear aligners are an option that has merit for improvement instead of conventional fixed appliances but smile design is a complex issue best solved with orthodontic and restorative diagnosis with clarity of explanation and understanding of the possibility of meeting expectations.There are factors beyond the control of an orthodontist.
You may be a candidate for Invisalign. To find out, you can make an appointment with an orthodontist in your area for a complementary evaluation.
There are several “visible braces free” options we as a profession can offer you today. To find out which one would most suit your needs an in person consultation is required.
Yes, many patients are eligible to use clear aligner therapy such as Invisalign to straighten there teeth. YouTube has some phenomenal videos on "How Invisalign Moves Teeth"
If I were you, I would find a Board Certified Orthodontist in your area and call to see if you can schedule a complimentary consultation. This website has a Board Certified Orthodontist Locator.
If I were you, I would find a Board Certified Orthodontist in your area and call to see if you can schedule a complimentary consultation. This website has a Board Certified Orthodontist Locator.
In many cases, clear aligners can give you the smile/result you want, however, not everyone is an ideal candidate for them! The best thing to do is to go to an orthodontist who also does Invisalign (or clear aligners) and get his opinion. Sometimes, depending on the complexity of the case, braces are the preferred method of treatment!