“Can a baby move at 3 months?”
I am a 28 year old female and I am pregnant. Can a baby move at 3 months?
5 Answers
Yes. However, quickening (the maternal sensation of movement) generally occurs around eighteen (18) weeks gestation.
ABSOLUTELY. You may not feel the baby moving, but the fetus is very active in the first trimester. Most of the fetuses' movements are reflexive and not purposeful or intentional. It's more akin to the use of a reflex hammer when a doctor checks your knee reflexes.
Yes, the baby moves much earlier than that date. You may start feeling movements from 18 + week if it is your first baby. Or a little earlier if it is your second baby onward. If your after birth (placenta) is in front, you may feel it little later.
Stay safe.
Dr. Anjan Chaudhury
Stay safe.
Dr. Anjan Chaudhury
Dr. Robin L. Poe-Zeigler
Virginia Beach, VA
It is very rare to feel a baby move at 3 months but it is possible. First time mothers usually feel the baby kick around 5 months or the 20 week mark. While women who are having their second+ child can feel kicking as soon as 4 months or 16 weeks.