OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Do ovarian cysts need to be removed?

I am a 30 year old female with two ovarian cysts. Do ovarian cysts need to be removed?

5 Answers

Not always. It depends on the nature and size of the cyst and your symptoms. This is one of the things where the response has to be individualized.
Ovarian cysts only need to be removed if you have worsening pain. Typically ovarian cysts are formed with each menstrual cycle called follicular cysts which are under 2 cm. However, when the cysts grow up 8 cm or more then they require removal, or else if there is a suspicion for ovarian torsion.
Hi! This is a great question. The simplest answer is that for a woman your age it depends on a number of factors: your symptoms, their size (individually and in aggregate), and the cysts' characteristics on ultrasound. You should definitely schedule an appointment with your OBGYN to discuss these things.

Most patients with ovarian cysts should just leave it alone. Each time someone ovulates, they get an ovarian cyst which usually goes away after your period. There are some ovarian cysts that may need to be removed if they are very large and/are appear “complex.” This means that there are some solid components and cystic components. Typically, your doctor would tell you if there is an ovarian cyst that is concerning. So, the bottom line, it is usually something that you do not need to worry about.
I hope that this helps.

Joseph Adashek, MD FACOG
Most women develop a cyst in one of their ovaries every month. so most cysts are normal and do not need surgery. Abnormal cyst do some time require removal.