Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor fix a herniated disc?

I am a 42 year old female and I have a herniated disc. Can a chiropractor fix a herniated disc?

12 Answers

It is possible for a chiropractor to fix a herniated disc, but will need your help. In addition to chiropractic adjustments, your chiropractor may recommend exercises and nutritional supplements. Make sure your chiropractor takes a good history and performs a thorough examination, including MRIs if you haven't had them done to identify the herniated disc. Then your chiropractor can make a good diagnosis and come up with a proper treatment plan. Discs take a long time to heal, so it will be a long road.
To treat a herniated disc, your chiropractor will develop a treatment plan that may include spinal manipulation—also known as adjustments—and other chiropractic techniques to help ease your herniated disc symptoms. This will be an individualized treatment plan, but it may include manual therapy and therapeutic exercises.

The specifics of what are in your treatment plan are particular to your pain, level of activity, overall health, and what your chiropractor thinks is best. As with any treatment option, don't hesitate to ask questions about what chiropractic treatments are being recommended and why. You want to make sure you understand what will be done and how it can help relieve your pain. Chiropractic treatment is effective for most patients.
Once herniated its herniated. Chiro is best treatment in most cases
Yes. Chiropractic is very effective at resolving disc issues.
No one can "fix" a herniated disc, but there are a variety of ways to treat a herniation and help the body heal properly once a disc has herniated. The most appropriate treatment depends on several factors. In most cases, conservative care with chiropractic, massage, proper exercises and stretches, as well as other physiotherapy modalities such as therapeutic ultrasound, EMS, or cold laser, is more effective than other forms of treatment providing better outcome results. In a small number of cases where severe neurological compromise is present, surgery may be a better option, but there is no way to know without an adequate evaluation. A good physician, whether a chiropractor, osteopath, or allopathic physician should begin by taking a patient history, performing an examination, and IF indicated based on those results get additional diagnostic testing done. That additional testing may include X-rays, an MRI, EMG, or sometimes even a CT scan. Ideally, the most conservative and safest appropriate treatment (chiropractic, massage, physical therapy) will then be utilized before more invasive forms of treatment are considered.


Dr. Huettl
Hi there,

Sorry to hear you have a herniated disc. Short answer is it depends on how herniated it is. Chiropractic would be a fantastic first intervention to see if conservative care would take care of the issue, or if you need something more drastic like MRIs/surgery.
Good afternoon. Unfortunately, once a disc has protruded or bulged, there is no proven way to fix it. Chiropractic care does not fix a herniated disc but it can greatly improve the symptoms associated with this condition, depending on the severity of the disc bulge and or protrusion. There are various stretches and exercises to alleviate discogenic pain. I would advise seeking professional help before trying any at home exercises and stretches.
Hedie Adamous D.C.
Yes. You need an office that has spinal decompression. That is the only way to truly fix a disc outside of having surgery.
A chiropractor can not "fix" your herniated disc, but the right technique and the right type of rehab can help diminish the symptoms typically associated with a disc herniation. Proper spine mobility, stability and biomechanics can play a big roll in limiting the pain and symptoms associated with disc herniations.
A truly herniated Disc no treatment can make it go back to a normal Disc. The Chiropractic treatment is to take away or modify the symptoms. Also most Chiropractors prescribe exercise and modifications of activities of daily living.
Yes, this is a condition that Chiropractors regularly treat successfully. If the herniation is very severe, surgery may be a necessary.