Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor help SPD?

I am a 32 year old female. I want to know if a chiropractor can help SPD?

9 Answers

Chiropractic can get great results with most musculoskeletal issues, including SPD. It’s really helpful to combine strengthening exercises with your adjustments to allow the area to heal faster.
There have been studies that show chiropractic adjustments being beneficial for SPD. Chiropractic adjustments help improve nervous system function
SPD Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction is a condition that involves the whole low back and pelvis. It needs to be treated as a whole area problem and not just that specific joint.
Generally yes
Since the Pubis Symphysis is the medial inferior (inside and bottom) attachment of the pelvic girdle, and Chiropractors adjust the pelvis regularly, the answer is YES. I hope I helped and hope your soon-to-be Chiropractor helps a lot more.

Got your back,

Dr. Todd Gewant
This all depends on possible causes.Nutrition neurological, heavy metals, diet plus others. Seeking a Chiropractor who also does functional medicine would be a good choice to focus in on the related causes.

Yes, it may but it is hard to predict how any patient will respond to chiropractic care. If it is pregnancy related, I strongly encourage you to seek out chiropractic care to both, make the transition from your non-pregnant body to full term pregnant. It will also help during delivery.

Dr. Duchon
P: 281-557-5525
Do you mean Sensory Processing Disorder(s)? If chiropractic can help the best person to ask is a chiropractor with a diplomat in neurology (DACAN/DACNB). Because of the board spectrum of sensory processing disorder symptoms and that it is not a true stand alone diagnosis, a chiropractor who has the extra training in neurology would have better insight in answering this question.
The mechanism which causes SPD is still not very well understood so treatment options are mostly experimental. Chiropractic does help to restore the entire body to a state of better function, especially to the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. If you would like to try Chiropractic for SPD I would recommend a Cranial Chiropractor.