“Can a chiropractor put your shoulder back in place?”
I am a 33 year old male and I dislocated my shoulder. Can a chiropractor put your shoulder back in place?
14 Answers
We are trained well enough to do so, but it is not within our scope to do so, because sometimes people go into shock.
If you truly dislocated your shoulder, I hope you have sought treatment by the time you have read my answer. If it is the first time you have dislocated your shoulder and have sensations into the effected arm you should go to an ER as you may have to have your shoulder put into place under anesthesia as a first time dislocation can affect the nerves from you neck and arm pit that provide motor and sensory to that arm. After saying all that, a subsequent dislocation can be treated and put back into place by a chiropractor following a careful examination along with muscle and reflex testing to ensure that there is no damage to the nerves. Seek out a sports chiropractor with experience in extremity adjusting.
Some sports chiros can do it. Just look for a sports or orthopedic chiropractor in your area. Otherwise, many physical therapists or orthopedists can.
Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP
Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP
Most of the time they can. It depends on the level of muscle and ligament contraction. I have adjusted many dislocated shoulders with good success, but I have also had some that were so severe that the patient had to be sedated and treated by an orthopedic.
Yours in health,
Doc J
Yours in health,
Doc J
Your question is tricky. Chiropractors, in my opinion, have the training and the know-how to reduce a dislocated shoulder. HOWEVER, in most states, that is outside the scope of practice and must be done by an MD.
You'll have to ask the chiropractor. I was trained how to do it a long time ago but have never needed to perform this maneuver. If I were confronted with a dislocated shoulder, I would have that person go to an E.R.
A true dislocation of any joint is not something that is treated with Chiropractic. It is for the emergency room of a hospital. Chiropractic treats subluxations which means it is still in the joint, but not working properly.
David Ptacnik
Brownsville, TX
Although chiropractors could easily put your dislocated shoulder where it goes, legally, chiropractors are supposed to refer you to an emergency room for a shoulder dislocation at least in Texas where i am from. Our legal scope of practice lets us work with shoulder subluxations. That's when the shoulder is not exactly in its correct place but its not fully dislocated.