Optometrist Questions Optometrist

Can glaucoma be cured from surgery?

I am a 49 year old female. I was diagnosed with glaucoma. Can glaucoma be cured from surgery?

10 Answers

Glaucoma can't be cured, but it can be controlled. There are a variety of treatments available to prevent or slow further damage from occurring. A complete ophthalmologic evaluation should be performed in order to determine the best treatment option for your case.
There are no cures for glaucoma. There are only treatments. Glaucoma is always trying to come back. But it all truly depends on your physical exam. Some forms of glaucoma do better with surgery, some do better with laser, and some do better with drops. I recommend you see a local ophthalmologist.
Yes, sometimes it can be improved or delayed by a surgery. Many types are available. I find that Canaloplasty and Goniotomy are the least traumatic and most effective in some cases.
Glaucoma can be treated, and one of the ways it can be treated is surgery. There are also eye drops which can help lower pressure as well as laser treatments. It is a chronic condition like diabetes or high blood pressure that needs to be managed and followed by a doctor
Glaucoma is treated with a stepladder of treatments usually starting with topical drops, later laser treatment and surgery held aside until the other means fail to work well enough. Glaucoma is very treatable. You should seek out an ophthalmologist who specializes in glaucoma.
That's a great question. There is no cure for glaucoma yet. However, there are several different treatments. The nature and state of the dictate which treatment is utilized. An ophthalmologist should examine you and go over the treatment options along with a risks and benefits profile.
Thank you.

Tayyib Rana, MD
Glaucoma can be managed with drops, laser, and surgery. There is a new category of surgery called MIGS, which is very exciting.
Yes ,there are various procedures available
Generally we talk of controlling, not curing Glaucoma. Having said that, there are many good options, both laser and surgical, for the treatment of Glaucoma that can be safe and effective with minimal risk and rapid recovery