thomas aiello
Dr. Thomas Conrad Aiello is a second generation Ophthalmologist with 25 years experience, who specializes in the surgical correction of Cataracts with the use of advanced technologies, such as; Toric implants for the correction of Astigmatism, Multifocal implants ( Panoptix, ActiveFocus, and Technis ) for the correction of Presbyopia, and Femtosecond Laser - assisted Cataract Surgery. He is also an expert in the field of surgical management of Glaucoma, utilizing Micro - invasive Glaucoma procedures for maximized patient comfort and rapid recovery. Dr. Aiello is a past president of the Union County Medical Society and Associate Director of the Ophthalmology department at St. Barnabas - Robert Wood Johnson at Rahway Hospital. Dr. Aiello is trusted by his colleagues for treating their more challenging cases.
39 years
thomas aiello
- clark, NJ
- University of Virginia
- Accepting new patients
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How do I get new contacts during the coronavirus?
You should still be able to order contact lenses from your eye care provider during this pandemic. Most contact lens distributors now offer free home shipping.
You should still be able to order contact lenses from your eye care provider during this pandemic. Most contact lens distributors now offer free home shipping.
Can dry eye be cured in children?
Hello, symptoms of dry eyes in children are usually related to environmental factors and if severe warrant a consult with an Allergist. Treatment to control symptoms can include READ MORE
Hello, symptoms of dry eyes in children are usually related to environmental factors and if severe warrant a consult with an Allergist. Treatment to control symptoms can include cool compresses, artificial tears and perhaps allergy drops, which can be prescribed by an Eye Care Provider after a careful evaluation.
Can my son go to the eye doctor during covid-19?
Hello, depending on where you live, it is recommended that office visits are only for emergencies and routine eye care should be delayed until social distancing regulations are READ MORE
Hello, depending on where you live, it is recommended that office visits are only for emergencies and routine eye care should be delayed until social distancing regulations are relaxed.
What is the best eye surgery for nearsightedness?
Hello, in a normal, otherwise healthy eye, Myopic Lasik is still the best treatment for nearsightedness in a 30 yo.
Are eye infections contagious?
Hello, an eye infection in a child can be viral and contagious as long as there is discharge from the eye. The classic 'Pink Eye". Practice good hand washing.
What is the best age for laser eye surgery?
Hello, for nearsighted correction (Myopic Lasik), the ideal age for surgery is after age 21, when generally your refractive error has stabilized, to approximately age 40, before READ MORE
Hello, for nearsighted correction (Myopic Lasik), the ideal age for surgery is after age 21, when generally your refractive error has stabilized, to approximately age 40, before presbyopia sets in.
Can you see floaters when your eyes are closed?
In general true floaters are seen when the eyes are open as they appear as a shadow on a light background
Can lack of sleep cause eye floaters?
No, lack of sleep does not cause floaters. To be noted is that eye rubbing of 'tired' eyes can cause momentary visual disturbances so turn off the video gaming console and get READ MORE
No, lack of sleep does not cause floaters. To be noted is that eye rubbing of 'tired' eyes can cause momentary visual disturbances so turn off the video gaming console and get some sleep!
Do I need surgery for floaters in my right eye?
No generally, 'floaters' do not require surgery; however, a laser procedure is available for chronic , visually significant 'floaters'
Can you see cataracts in the mirror?
A cataract which has become mature and either milky white or 'brunescent' brown can be seen in the mirror as a discoloration in the pupil.
Can you drive if you have cataracts?
Yes, as long as your corrected visual acuity meets the legal threshold for your state. However, increased symptoms while driving with either sun glare or limitation of night driving READ MORE
Yes, as long as your corrected visual acuity meets the legal threshold for your state. However, increased symptoms while driving with either sun glare or limitation of night driving due to glare from headlights is often an indication that surgery is warranted.
Does glaucoma cause watery eyes?
No glaucoma does not cause watery eyes
Should you close your eyes after eye drops?
Hello, yes the eyes should be closed gently after instilling eye drops for a minimum of 20 seconds.
Can I use eye drops with contacts in?
Yes, I recommend preservative- free artificial tears with low viscosity such as Refresh Plus or Theratears
Should I stay off work with conjunctivitis?
Maybe, If you are having a significant amount of wet, sticky discharge then it is better to stay home as you may be contagious.
What eye drops can I use for bacterial conjunctivitis?
If it's truly a bacterial conjunctivitis, then it is best to be evaluated by an eye care professional and have the appropriate treatment initiated.
What eye drops can I use for bacterial conjunctivitis?
If it's truly a bacterial conjunctivitis, then it is best to be evaluated by an eye care professional and have the appropriate treatment initiated.
Is a warm or cold compress better for conjunctivitis?
Cold compresses in the first 24 to 48 hours can help control itching, especially with allergic conjunctivitis; however, if the condition persists, warm compresses are better to READ MORE
Cold compresses in the first 24 to 48 hours can help control itching, especially with allergic conjunctivitis; however, if the condition persists, warm compresses are better to clean away bacteria and seek attention from your eye care professional.
Is saltwater good for conjunctivitis?
The short answer is yes! If no other treatment options are immediately available, a low concentration salt water solution for rinsing the eyes once or twice a day can READ MORE
The short answer is yes! If no other treatment options are immediately available, a low concentration salt water solution for rinsing the eyes once or twice a day can be started, however, this works best for bacterial conjunctivitis; for common pink eye, the rinsing will burn excessively, and for allergic conjunctivitis, it is of no use.
The short answer is yes! If no other treatment options are immediately available, a low concentration salt water solution for rinsing the eyes once or twice a day can be started, however, this works best for bacterial conjunctivitis; for common pink eye, the rinsing will burn excessively, and for allergic conjunctivitis, it is of no use.
What kind of sedation is used for cataract surgery?
Sedation for cataracts is often described as ' twilight,' similar to what would be used for a colonoscopy.
Sedation for cataracts is often described as ' twilight,' similar to what would be used for a colonoscopy.