Dentist Questions Dentist

Can interdental papillae grow back?

I am a 28 year old male. I want to know if interdental papillae can grow back?

6 Answers

Generally no. It usually has to be grafted back in.
Good question and the answer is "it depends". What it depends on is if there is bone support. Depending on the height of the bone between the teeth is going to dictate if that papilla will fill in or not.

Hope this helps,

Jossi Stokes, DDS
There is no definitive answer for this question. They can grow back if the cause of their recession is removed, but not always. It is also difficult to surgically replace papillae.
Yes, That does not mean the papilla will always grow back to where it was as far as filling the full extent of the space between the contours of the adjacent teeth. Like many things there are multiple variables involved in the space between the contours of those teeth,

If you have bone loss and receding gums, most likely not. I would recommend you see a periodontist to further evaluate your condition!