“Can melatonin help me sleep better?”
I've been very restless when sleeping, constantly moving around and waking up a few times a night. Should I take melatonin supplements to help me sleep better?
1 Answer
Yes, melatonin MAY help. In my experience, it is about "50-50" whether it will help patients sleep better. Also, some people think that LOWER DOSES (i.e., 1/2-1mg) may work better than the standard doses sold in drug stores (3, 5, or 10mg pills). So, I would try 0.3-1mg doses first and work up slowly from there. And I would also suggest taking it only 3-5 nights a week and giving it a couple nights off. But, ONLY by trying it in variable doses and frequencies can one find out if it will help or not. But it does take some experimenting to find the correct dose.