Orthodontist Questions Invisalign

Can you tell if someone is wearing Invisalign?

I'm about to get Invisalign, but I really don't want anyone to know that I'm using it. I understand that they aren't like braces at all, but can people still see if I'm wearing Invisalign?

6 Answers

Most people won't even notice. Occasionally, someone that is within a couple feet may notice. They probably shouldn't be in your personal space like that. :-)
Invisalign is an esthetic option and does a great job with concealing. However there are attachments that might be placed that are clear as well
I think you will be happy with how it appears but nothing is completely not noticeable
The orthodontic aligners are virtually undetectable, you do have some minor limitations on what can be accomplished so its very important to discuss with your doctor what you expect.
Clear aligners are practically invisible. They are not completely invisible. You can log into the Invisalign webpage and see photographs of patients wearing aligners. They are far less visible that traditional wires and brackets and perform certain movements better. In addition to the aligners, also note that tooth colored handles called "Attachments" are often attached to the teeth to facilitate movements. Also, consider accelerated tooth movement such as Propel, which can reduce the movement time by as much as half.

Neal Nealis, DDS
Yes and no. From a close up interaction, some people will notice something different if they know you - especially if you talk; there are slight different speech differences. As you wear the appliances, the speech will become less noticeable. From a distance greater than conversational distance, they are not at all noticeable.