“I have faint but consistent knee pain. What could it be?”
I am having a slight pain in my knees when I suddenly get up or sit and it lingers. What could this pain be? It kind of feels like my knee needs to crack but won't. Can it be treated with physical therapy?
8 Answers
The faint but consistent knee pain you're describing could be due to a variety of factors, such as patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner's knee), muscle imbalances, or mild ligament or cartilage issues. It’s also possible that the sensation of needing to "crack" your knee is related to joint stiffness. Physical therapy can be very effective, focusing on strengthening the muscles around the knee, improving flexibility, and addressing alignment issues. Consult a healthcare provider to get a proper diagnosis and determine if physical therapy is the best approach for your condition.
It could be due to osteoarthritis- heavy physical activity, lack of use, injuries such as sprains or strains, sitting in a constrained area, or sitting on knees for a prolonged period. Occupational related factors are also needs to be considered.
Yes. A more detailed assessment would be required to fully and accurately determine the cause. Physical therapy can help!
Yes, physical therapy can help. If the pain occurs with movement or activity, but dissipates with rest, physical therapy should help. Your knee/knee cap may be stiff and can respond well to manual therapy and certain activities. Schedule with a PT to have them evaluate you by performing a thorough physical examination.
Daniel Prata PT, DPT, COMT
Daniel Prata PT, DPT, COMT
You should see a physical therapist. It appears that something might be loose in the knee but you need to see a physical therapist for an examination
It could be from patellar tightness. Quad weakness and hamstrings tightness could be also some causes.
These types of things can really only be sussed out through manual examination, which a Physical Therapist is very well trained in. A Physical Therapist can also mobilize your knee in a way where it won't feel like it needs to crack so often, which will likely result in no pain during sit to stand transfers