“Constipation after surgery?”
Ever since my surgery on my hernia, I've been experiencing long periods of constipation. Could this be because of the surgery? How can it be fixed?
6 Answers
You need to talk to your doctor and ask if there is something you can take for your constipation. I would advise you not to go to a different doctor or go to the drug store for something for constipation unless your doctor tells you what to get. I wish you well. oledochouse
First, it is prevalent after any surgery especially with general anesthesia for patient's to have constipation during the first week or two. It can usually be solved with a mild laxative and hydration. However, if it has been a month or more since your surgery, I recommend that you seek out a gastroenterologist. A colonoscopy may be appropriate.

Kendrix Evans
You need to take a stool softener or laxative. Your surgeon should've given you some or told you to take them. The narcotics you are taking for pain are causing constipation. The straining is also not good for hernias. Colace or Senna twice daily for a month. Miralax daily will work as well.
Kendrix (Ken) J. Evans MD MS
General Surgeon
Kendrix (Ken) J. Evans MD MS
General Surgeon
The biggest reason that patients get constipated after surgery is narcotic or pain medicine use. Narcotics such as Codeine, Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone do several things very well. First, they help with the immediate pain of surgery. Second, they cause constipation. Even if you are not taking many pills at home, you would have received narcotics through your IV during the procedure, and even that small amount can have a profound effect. Very rarely could the constipation be caused by a complication from your hernia procedure such as a bowel obstruction.
I recommend all patients drink plenty of fluids and start with a mild stool softener such as Docusate. You can add Miralax powder as needed. If the constipation persists, you can add a stronger laxative such as Milk of Magnesia or Magnesium citrate. All of these are available over-the-counter at your local pharmacy or grocery store. If your constipation does not improve, contact your surgeon.
I recommend all patients drink plenty of fluids and start with a mild stool softener such as Docusate. You can add Miralax powder as needed. If the constipation persists, you can add a stronger laxative such as Milk of Magnesia or Magnesium citrate. All of these are available over-the-counter at your local pharmacy or grocery store. If your constipation does not improve, contact your surgeon.