“Do I have a gum disease?”
It feels like my teeth are loose. Like all of them feel like you can move them around. Does it mean I have gum disease?
8 Answers
It totally depends. You need to go to your dental professional and have a thorough examination and full mouth X-ray to see what is going on in your mouth.
If the teeth are moving, then you may have more going on than just the gums. See a dentist to have them check the bone and gum health.
It is hard to say without an exam but I will say yes you have it and probably an advanced case. You should see a periodontist soon.
If there is no issue in the tooth itself, it has a high chance of gum disease plus bone loss. You need a check-up soon.
Thank you.
If there is no issue in the tooth itself, it has a high chance of gum disease plus bone loss. You need a check-up soon.
Thank you.
Yes, most likely you do. One of the main signs of gum or periodontal disease is loose teeth.
David M. Garazi, DMD
David M. Garazi, DMD
Without seeing you and having a set of radiographs it is difficult to diagnose. I would strongly suggest that you see a dentist for an exam and evaluation so that things do not get worse. It could be a gum infection or it could be periodaontal disease where you may have lost bone.