“Does an impacted tooth require surgery?”
I have an impacted tooth in the back of my mouth, by my molars. Does an impacted tooth usually require surgery?
17 Answers
Yes. In most cases there is bone wrapped around the tooth that will not allow the tooth to be easily removed (elevated) out of the socket. Consult with your dentist or an Oral Surgeon.
If a tooth is impacted it just means it's below the level of the other teeth and it can be a soft tissue impaction or a bony impaction if completely submerged below the cortex of bone that overlies it. It is strictly an observable point on an X-ray to determine whether it is or is not impacted
If a tooth is impacted in the bone deeply enough, then often it does not require removal. You will need an x-ray and opinion from a dentist/oral surgeon.
If the tooth in question is painful due to infection, yes, it is best to have it surgically removed. If the tooth is impacted and is not causing pain or inflammation, in most cases it is best to leave it. Surgery in some cases could cause more harm than good. Could cause nerve or sinus damage.
Yes. It will require oral surgery and possibly by an oral surgeon if it is a quite complicated procedure.
If the tooth REQUIRES an extraction it would be a surgery for an impaction. You should know that not ALL impacted teeth need to be removed. If they have no symptoms and are not interfering with an adjacent tooth- they can often be left alone.
Dr. Gochman
Dr. Gochman
Not necessarily. Teeth that are fully impacted could stay in your mouth for the rest of your life without needing removal. If they are partially impacted, they tend to cause problems because of the flap over the tooth and the inability to keep the area clean. This teeth need to be removed preferably before you are 25.
Leaving an impacted tooth often leads to problems. Pressure from an impacted tooth trying to grow into the mouth can damage neighboring teeth. A partially exposed tooth is impossible to clean, so it is prone to gum infection. A completely impacted tooth can develop a cyst, or rarely cancer. Most impacted teeth should be removed.
Not always. There are 2 main considerations before deciding. The first, is the impacted tooth causing any damage to the adjacent teeth, or causing repeated infections in the gum. The second thing to consider is how difficult is the surgery. If there is no damage going on, or if the surgery itself could have serious consequences, then I wouldn’t do it. The oral surgeon would be the one to decide the risks.
Short answer: If you want or need it removed it will most likely require surgery. Longer answer: All extractions of all teeth, except those taken out with "floss and a door knob", are removed surgically as tissue is cut and bleeding occurs. That said there are differing degrees of complexity, difficulty, expertise, and experience that effect how complicated the surgery and how long the recovery period.
Yes, most the time the wisdom teeth need to be removed, unless it erupts straight up and aligns with the molars on the opposite arch, and you can keep up with your oral hygiene, i.e., brushing back there, then it does not require to be extracted.
An impacted tooth usually requires dental surgery however, it does not mean you must be under sedation a local anesthetic is adequate but I would discuss this with your practitioner
Often times, yes. Impacted teeth are usually wisdom teeth that do not have enough space to erupt properly in correct position at the back of the mouth. They can cause pain and infection when there is not enough room for them so extraction is recommended. This usually requires some amount of dental surgery. Not all wisdom teeth need to be extracted however and you should consult your dentist or oral surgeon for advice.
Dr. AL
Dr. AL