Dentist Questions Dentist

Does the hole from a pulled tooth close?

I am a 23 year old female. I want to know if the hole from a pulled tooth closes?

9 Answers

Yes. From the inside out
Eventually it should.
Yes, it does.
Mostly in 2 weeks, but sometimes it stays open if the root was deep.
Yes, over 3-8 weeks.

Mitchel Friedman

Absolutely, it fills in. The height or width of the area will change without site preservation materials, but no matter what, the wound will close.
Yes, it will.
It depends on several issues...if the tooth was infected, the area will take longer to heal. If it was an impacted wisdom tooth and bone had to be removed to access it, this could take 6 to 8 weeks. In general extractions site heal up in 4 to 6 weeks. Other factors, such as chronic diseases such as diabetes, affects this also. 

Yes the hole from a pulled (extracted) tooth will close. It takes a few weeks for this to happen because the jaw bone needs to restructure itself since it no longer needs to support the tooth. The jaw will no long big as big or robust so replacement of the tooth in the future will be more difficult. Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD