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I'm a 73 year old female who had a gastric bypass 9 months ago. I take all the supplements, eat well, etc. I lost 70 lbs. Since about 6 mos. ago I noticed my pubic hair is growing back. By now it's about 1/3 the norm and still growing. I'm worried I may have a problem with my hormones. I had a hysterectomy 20 years ovaries or uterus. Is this normal? I have not started any new prescription meds since the bypass. Some other symptoms since bypass are pale skin color, dark circles under eyes, and feeling cold all the time. I started taking iron pills about a week ago since I fear I may be iron deficient.

Female | 73 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: Venlafaxen, Bupropion, Losartan, Amlodipine, Protonix
Conditions: High blood pressure, GERD, Sleep Apnea--all treated and under control

2 Answers

I would think it sounds like hormonal. Now if you are worried, seek advice from any gynecologist to check the level of hormones.

Dr. Tebana
It can be normal after menopause. It may also be a deficiency in vitamins because you are not able to absorb as well since the gastric bypass. Please check with your provider who will follow you for diet deficiencies.