“Is excessive sweating sign of a weak heart?”
I feel I sweat much more than normal. Could it be a sign of a weak heart? Heart disease runs in my family so I want to protect myself.
4 Answers
Generally speaking, a life history of excessive sweating as one’s sole complaint, does not suggest underlying heart disease. However one could not answer your question accurately without beginning with a good history and physical by your physician.
There is a wide range in how much people sweat so you can sweat a lot more than average but still be normal. Adrenaline causes increased sweating plus it makes you go pale: if you have a weak heart the body may produce more adrenaline to try to make the heart work harder on exercise and this would make you pale and sweaty, sometimes called a "cold sweat". This could be a bad sign and worth getting a check-up.
Excessive sweating can be a sign of many things including diabetes, thyroid disease, anemia but also heart disease. If you are concerned, I would suggest discussing it with your clinician.