Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Excessive sweat

My feet sweat a lot. Is that normal or is it a problem?

My feet sweat a lot, and with socks and shoes it is only worse. Is it a normal thing or is it a sign of a problem?

16 Answers

Not really a normal thing, but it is not uncommon either. You can treat excessive sweating feet with drying powders and lotions. I will normally prescribe Drysol for patients to help stop their feet from sweating. It usually works for most people
Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. It can be primary or secondary. Primary hyperhydrosis is not do to any health condition or any medication. Meaning the excessive sweating is the medical condition itself. Secondary hyperhidrosis is linked to either a medical condition or a medication meaning something else is causing it. Dr. Ana Lee Glaser is an expert to hyperhidrosis and states that you can differentiate between primary and secondary hyperhidrosis by answering the following:

-Your sweat is bilateral and relatively symmetrical, meaning you sweat the same on both sides of your body.

-Your excess sweat impairs your daily activities.
-You experience at least one episode a week.
-The onset of your excess sweat is earlier than age 25.
-You have a positive family history. (Meaning that other members of your family suffer from similar sweating problems.)
-You stop sweating when you're sleeping.

If you have answered yes to at least 2 of these, it is most likely for you to have primary hyperhidrosis.
That happens... wash it with the cold water.
Sweaty feet is a condition people come in the office with the chief symptoms being constantly wet socks or a horrendous odor. The medical term is hyperhydrosis which can occur at any sweat gland in the body. The feet that are usually covered with socks and shoes plus this condition can produce a brutal odor that can be embarrassing. There are many over-the-counter sprays with drying agents in them, but the prescription ones work the best. Air your feet out and use a powder in your socks is a good starting point.
This is a common problem that some patients have, and it can be easily treated. This will progress and get worse if left untreated and may cause fungal toenails and other skin problems and infections.
My feet do, too, I just wear shoes that will not make them sweat.
Not normal. What helps is Charcoal orthotics and powder in the shoes!
Smelly feet is a common condition in children and adults who wear shoes on a daily basis. People with smelly feet may also suffer from sweaty feet. Most people with this condition will have sweaty and smelly feet year round, not just in the hot summer months. The odor is produced by bacteria and/or fungus that grows in the shoes and attaches to the skin. Some bacteria actually eat away the top layer of the skin, producing a foul odor.

Hygiene is very important to help prevent smelly feet. Feet should be washed daily with soap and water and clean dry socks worn. Some synthetic materials used in shoes, when mixed with sweat and bacteria, can produce smelly feet. The podiatrist will recommend one of a variety of treatments for this condition.
Common problem. Can be controlled with Dry-Sol solution
Both. There could be something medial that’s causing the increased sweating - usually a full panel blood test can reveal if something else is causing the sweating or it could simply be due to an overactive sweat gland. Make an appointment. Whatever the cause there’s a treatment to stop the sweating
Individuals perspire different amounts. You can try applying an antiperspirant/deodorant to see if this helps reduce moisture.
It is called hyperhidrosis and is readily treated by a foot specialist
There is a wide range of normal

There is excessive moisture that you can not control to your satisfaction that would require medical help and there are treatments that can provide mental and physical relief of excessive perspiration
Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating of the feet can be caused for many reasons. Typically, it is a chronic idiopathic (unknown) condition, but it can also be secondary to other medical conditions. The most common idiopathic presentation typically is localized to certain areas of the body and does affect the palms and soles of her hands and feet. Sweating helps us in thermoregulation, skin hydration as well as fluid and electrolyte balance. We identify 3 types of sweat glands on her skin to include eccrine, apocrine and apoeccrine. It is the eccrine sweat glands which are responsible for hyperhidrosis. These are found in highest #2 the palms and soles of the feet. The sweat glands are innervated by the sympathetic
nervous system. Emotional sweating is affected by different regions of the brain and may be a factor with regards to the development of this condition. It is for this reason that when under stress we tend to perspire more. Treatment clearly is to address factors that influence this. Things that overstimulate are sympathetic nervous system are attempted to be mitigated. Reducing stress, limiting caffeinated products can be quite helpful. First line of treatment is typically a topical antiperspirant most commonly with some type of aluminum chloride solution as a drying agent. Secondary therapy in severe cases can include use of botulinum toxin injections. These interfere with sympathetic nerve function by blocking the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. There are also oral systemic therapies to include anticholinergics, clonidine as well as beta blockers and benzodiazepines, however, there are side effects that limit primary use. Iontophoresis as a treatment based on electric current to inhibit sweating. Finally, in the most severe of cases when involving the upper extremities, endoscopic surgical thoracic sympathectomy has been performed.
No. Could be a bacterial infection. Try daily soak in black tea or Epsom salts. Use Gold Bond powder in your shoes daily. Can also use under arm deodorant on feet.
Thanks for the question. It is normal for your feet to sweat, it is a natural cooling mechanism for our body. Excessive sweating is called hyperhydrosis which can cause foot problems. I normally recommend Certain Dry which is a medication that is OTC you can purchase over the counter. If that does not help then I consider starting my patients on an oral medication. Hope this helps, if you have additional questions please contact the office.