Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions foot pain

I am experiencing foot pain while sitting. What could be the reason?

While sitting for a long duration I feel like there is stiffness and a little bit of pain in both my feet. What could be the reason?

14 Answers

To address your concerns effectively, I recommend scheduling an appointment with Dr. Jose Loor at joseloorpodiatry.com or by calling (646) 631-8861. Dr. Loor can conduct a comprehensive examination, discuss your symptoms in detail, and formulate an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your needs.
There could be a variety of reasons. The first thing that needs to be checked is complete (arterial and venous) blood circulation in low extremities and probably nerve conduction study as well.
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This could be from simple arthritis-but as in most foot foot problems having an issue in both feet is generally a more benign condition than problems in just one foot.Stretch a little before you weight bear but never stop moving.
This is a good question. You are thinking about your feet and how they are functioning for you. There are many reasons for stiffness with a few common ones to be a lack of stretching and mobility for the ankle and foot joints, increased weight gain and pressure on the feet, long term immobilization with inactivity as well as different types of arthritis with Osteo Arthritis and age or previous trauma being the most common.
It could be inflammation, tendinitis, early onset arthritis, blood flow, or many other things. This will progress if left untreated.
There are many reasons he feels stiffness in her feet. Some of these possibilities could be osteoarthritis, tendinitis, or swelling of the feet. If this becomes a problem please seek the assistance of a foot specialist for evaluation.
There are many possible reasons which can include neurological problems like tarsal tunnel or circulation problems.  Best to go to your podiatrist to have your feet evaluated.
Pain in the foot while sitting down for long duration is associated with rest pain/arterial insufficiency/poor circulation on the lower leg. Rest pain is a continuous burning pain of the lower leg or feet. It begins or is aggravated, after reclining or elevating the limb and is relieved by sitting or standing. It is more severe than intermittent claudication, which is also a pain in the legs from arterial insufficiency.
There are many reasons for this. Tendinitis, muscle strain, or sometimes arthritis can cause similar symptoms.

Jonathan M. Kletz, D.P.M.
Foot pain at rest can be caused for a lot of reasons. Frequently, it is not musculoskeletal as discomfort is appreciated without loading of the injured foot and associated bone and soft tissue structures. Inappropriate sitting can cause postural impingement of peripheral nerves. This can occur at the lower back level, knee, ankle, and foot. Numbness and tingling sensation is often accompanied by this presentation. Frequent repositioning while sedentary can help minimize this. If pain and stiffness are appreciated after prolonged sitting and putting weight on the extremity, this can represent injury to the soft tissue and joint be it from an arthritic process or prior overuse injuries. When resting our body does limit blood flow to peripheral extremities and a "gelling phenomenon" occurs. Until the body part is moved and blood resumes, soft tissues can feel tight and present with discomfort. This is often reflected in the morning stiffness associated with arthritis conditions. Finally, poor circulation can present
as rest pain when inadequate arterial circulation reaches to the distal extremity. This can be a finding in patients with arterial occlusive disease prompted by atherosclerosis or tobacco misuse. Your presentation sounds quite benign and I believe can be relieved with postural repositioning when sitting for prolonged periods and pumping exercises of the foot to promote circulation to the area.
It could be a variety of things. You should see a podiatrist for a clinical examination.
Hello, thanks for your question. Pain after sitting or resting for a period of time is called post static dyskinesia. The most common reasons I see this is due to tendonitis or fasciitis. I would try stretching twice a day, OTC orthotics, RICE and an anti inflammatory. I hope this helps. If you have further questions please feel free to call the office, thanks and goodluck.
Sometimes lower back issues can cause certain types of foot pain when in a seated or reclined position for a long time. I recommend you following up with your medical doctor, orthopedic, or podiatrist.