Ophthalmologist Questions Puffiness

Can eye puffiness be a sign of an illness?

I've noticed puffiness around my eyes. Could this indicate some kind of illness?

5 Answers

There are many causes of puffy eyes, most of which are benign. However, I recommend a full eye exam with your Ophthalmologist.
Yes. If it persists, you should see an eye care provider.
Yes. There are many conditions that can cause eye puffiness. Most are unrelated to the eyes and are caused by other organ problems, such as kidneys, heart, thyroid and a host of other diseases. You should see your primary doctor first.
Sometimes it can be a sign of thyroid problems or menopause .
Puffy eyes can be a sign of kidney or heart failure , water retention, allergy around the eyelids. Check with your doctor if it’s persistent