Dentist Questions Dental filling

Help! I'm away on vacation and a filling fell out of my tooth.

I'm travelling for a couple of weeks. Last night, a filling fell out of one my teeth. The whole left behind is pretty sizable. How do I protect the tooth until I get back home and can see my dentist?

9 Answers

Try temporary premixed filling materials found in any pharmacy. Or a ball of beeswax without the honey in an emergency.
Temporary tooth filling from any drug store.
You can go to a farmacy store and in the dental care section you will find protective restorative materials you can use so food won’t acumulate in the tooth.
Go to a pharmacy and in the dental section you will find temporary filling material. They are easy to administer and work quite well.
Hello, not sure if you have returned yet, but I hope the vacation was pleasant otherwise. If a filling falls out and it is not sensitive, or sharp, just keep the area clean till you get to your dentist. If pain sets in, seek immediate care wherever you may be. Good luck.
Dr. Cyril Tahtadjian
Call your dentist tell him or her to make an appointment then visit your drugstore for a dental repair kit which contains a putty that you can form in your fingers and temporarily insulate the sensitive area of the broken filling. Be careful not to floss around this particular area as it is only temporarily secured by Heat and the curing of the putty until you get to your dentist
Well in this case either you can go to a nearby dentist and get it filled, it’s the best option or if you want to wait then keep brushing the area that lost filling so a new cavity doesn’t start in the tooth and get it filled as soon as you are back but that’s only if your vacation is short otherwise going to a dentist is recommended as soon as possible
Go to a drug store and ask the sales person to get you a kit which you can mix the pastes together and push it into the cavity. Then smooth it out with your finger and grind it lightly with your teeth until it feels comfortable. If not, visit a dentist to fill it.
Buy some orthodontic wax at any drug store roll a small bead of wax about the size of the hole and press the wax into the hole to cover it until you get to the dentist.