Optometrist Questions Glasses

I am getting headache due to eye power. How to manage?

I have power in both my eyes and have to wear specs continuously. However, I am now starting to get a severe headache due to this eye power which becomes unmanageable at time. What is the best way to prevent this headache.

11 Answers

Thanks for the question.
I think that would best be answered by your eye doc in person.
Every case is a bit different.
Unfortunately, the Rx could be too strong and the HA is being induced because you may have an underlying accommodative spasm and/or binocular vision issue. Sometimes if the doctor fails to see these signs during the refraction they can pull the trigger on an rx and ultimately, I would want to recheck is after dilation. Some Rxs can induce a different eye alignment/posture as well that can be straining. I would reevaluate your rx after a dilation as well as check your ocular alignment.
That's an easy answer. Get an eye exam and quickly! There can be many causes for these headaches, and the only way to be sure of the reason is to have your eye doctor determine. The doctor will test for routine issues and may be able to spot anything out of the norm that could be causing you these headaches.
The followings are possible causes for headaches: Need of corrective lenses, incorrect prescription, eye misalignment, deformed frame (pressing on the temples), dry eyes, allergies, eye diseases (angle closure glaucoma, etc.), incorrect lighting (screen too bright or too dim), inappropriate head/neck/back posture (while using computer, for example), systemic diseases (sinusitis, migraines, tooth or ear infection, etc.), stress, side-effects of certain medications.... The first action to take is to check with your optometrist for an eye evaluation and for further tests.
I would return to your optometrist to make sure the power is correct, as well as get your glasses adjusted at an optical.
If you are getting headaches from your new eyeglass prescription, I would follow-up with the prescribing doctor. I would let them know when you are getting your headaches, their severity and any other triggers that you might think of. Sometimes, headaches are simply due to your vision. But, they can also stem from a variety of other reasons. Your eye care provider should be able to assess your symptoms and adjust your eyeglass power accordingly - if that is the only trigger to your headaches.

From a fellow-headache sufferer - feel better!

Dr. EM
Check the prescription and measurements first. If all is good, then ask your PCP to refer you to a neurologist. Headaches, can be very simple or serious.
You will need to have an eye exam so that your eyecare professional can determine the correct prescription for your eyes. If the headaches are due to a wrong spectacle prescription, then an updated prescription should relieve them. However, headaches can also be more serious, especially if the headaches are more recent and progressively get worse, so you may need to seek a medical professional such as a neurologist to rule out other causes such as tumors that may cause headaches also.
You need to see your eye care professional to get your eye power properly adjusted. Make sure you get checked at an actual eye doctor, not an online prescription ordering facility. Headaches can be a clue to many eye conditions.
Hi, thanks for the question.
It could be the fact that you may need to get weaker glasses, get used to those, then slowly increase it to the full prescription. It is something we have to do quite often, so please don't worry, see your optometrist/ophthalmic specialist who prescribed you the specs.
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