Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How can I check my posture?

I am a 26 year old female. I want to know how can I check my posture?

11 Answers

Check to make sure your ears line up with your shoulders, shoulders line up with your hips, hips line up with your knees, knees line up with your ankles.
The first thing is to have somebody trained to objectively look at your posture make an assessment. Chiropractic Doctors as an example.
There are a few ways to check your posture. One simple way is to stand comfortably looking at a mirror, are your shoulders the same height? Hips? Knees? The best way is to find a local Physician for a quick postural evaluation who can visual easier then the person themself.
By coming in to the office for your physical and you will be informed on the first chiropractic appointment.
When checking basic posture there are two views you want to look from; head on and from the side. Head on is easy, look at yourself in the mirror (ideally full length) and use a systematic approach looking joint by joint to make sure they are level and even. Look for head shifting side to side, shoulders level, hips level, knees even etc. In order to evaluate from the side you’ll need to either set up a camera with a timer or have someone take a photo of you from the side. Again take a joint by joint approach looking to see if your head is forward or back, are you leaning forward/back, any excessive spinal curvatures, etc.
You can check your posture by standing in front of a mirror and closing your eyes. Stand so that you feel balanced and you are not trying. Open your eyes and do not move. You should see your shoulders are even andn t your hips are even. Your head and neck should be aligned with the middle of your body. In the side view, you will need help. They should see your ear hole lined up with the middle of your shoulder and with the middle of your hip and with your ankle.

The first thing you can do is to check your hands. Yes, really. Check the way your hands rest naturally when you stand. In particular, notice the way your palms face in relation to your body. Are your palms hanging parallel to your sides, or are they curved inward so that they face your thighs?
Chiropractors can check your posture. There are also decent posture checker apps available for your phone.
Full length mirror, ears level, shoulders level, hands at your side, level, feet in the same direction?
Take a picture of yourself from the front and from the side. Look for differences in the height of your shoulders and hips from the front. From the side, neutral posture is achieved when your ear hole lines up with the middle of your shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle.