Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How can I protect my baby's ears from loud noises?

My baby is 3 years old and hates loud noises. Will the coronavirus there are ambulances constantly going by.

3 Answers

Maybe some earphones would help, or a soothing distracting white noise
Most children hate loud noises. You are better off trying to explain that the siren noises are the heroes going to help others rather than trying to use ear protectors If you think your child is overly sensitive to noise then talk to your pediatrician. Sometimes children with pervasive development disorders can be overly sensitive to noise
Well you don't need to protect your baby's ear from an ambulance driving by. That is likely not at an intensity that would cause damage given it's a very short lasting exposure; however, you could put your hands over your baby's ears to muffle the sound until it passes. Are you being exposed to this in your residence mostly? If so, close the windows and/or cover your baby's ears until it passes. Same advice on the street. Cover his/her ears. If you're exposed to it a lot, you could get some pediatric ear muffs, but don't use them when there's not loud, loud sound. Babies need exposure to sound to learn. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone