Dentist Questions Teeth Whitening

How can I reverse yellowing of my teeth?

I am 27 year old woman and I am now seeing my teeth are turning yellow. Is there a way that I can reverse yellowing of my teeth?

22 Answers

A professional teeth whitening can help with the yellowing of teeth.
Brushing, vitamin D, minerals.
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Yes, a dental cleaning can help. Professional dental whitening can help, but also figure out what habit is causing the discoloration and adjust accordingly.
Brush/floss and use a whitening toothpaste. Avoid red wine, colored foods etc. Bleaching teeth is also a good choice.
Thorough cleaning and bleaching of teeth.
There are many factors that can contribute to yellowing of the teeth. It would best to discuss your concerns with a dental professional to determine what the factors are in your case and how to address them, including the treatment.
Yellowing of teeth can be caused by certain foods we eat that stain (a few being coffee, tomato sauce, red wine, tea). I always suggest drinking water after having any of these foods. The other option would be teeth whitening to restore your teeth to their original whiteness.

Lara Bacchelli
Good afternoon, you are more than welcome to give our office a call to schedule a consult for bleach trays. 

Thank you
Yellowing of teeth is a concern for many patients. A good solution for many of these patients is bleaching - a process of removing external stains in the enamel (outer layer) of teeth. There many different products available to accomplish this, the best and safest are obtained through your dental professional. Yellowing can be related to the underlying dentin which is yellow in nature. There has been some success in bleaching teeth thought unable to benefit from bleaching-Tetracycline stained teeth. The tetracycline stains this underlying dentin grey to yellow brown. Some success has been achieved even in these cases so it warrants a discussion with your dentist. Over the counter products just do not achieve the same results. Bleaching should not be performed until all present decay (cavities) are treated. Therefore bleaching should only be performed under the supervision of your dentist.
Dr. Grimm
Yellowing of the teeth can have different reasons from aging to drinking too much coffee, tea or wine. The only way they can get lighter is by bleaching if you don't have tooth sensitivity, the amount of time that tooth whitening lasts again depends on how much you drink, and over time you'll need to redo the procedure.
First off, if you are not seeing a dentist routinely for cleanings, I would do that. A lot of yellow stain can be cleaned off with a good cleaning. Following professional cleaning, if you do not have cavities, you could try whitening products. Crest Whitestrips and similar over-the-counter products do work effectively to remove stains from your teeth. If you have decay though, whitening products will make you sensitive - that's why we recommend a good cleaning and check-up prior to use.
Staining of teeth over time is caused by our dark foods and drinks. The high frequency of consuming them makes staining teeth worse faster due to acid contact time on enamel. Teeth need a break between meals to get back to a neutral environment to combat bad bacteria and remineralize. Coffee, tea, soda,energy drinks, wine, blueberries are some of the staining agents. Smoking is tremendously staining due to tar and drying out teeth to make teeth stain easier and nicotine reduces saliva production to keep teeth a little dryer than should be. Medications can dry mouth a bit as well. Saliva aids in getting acids neutralized as well and bathing teeth to remove foods from teeth. But the only way to remove the biofilm like plaque is to brush 2xday for 2 min. each time and floss and use of fluoride mouthrinse at night. Then try some whitening strips and options for whitening at your dental office once you have a healthy mouth. Sensitive teeth could be from multiple reasons and whitening can make them more sensitive. Then reduce frequency of drinks and snacks to just meal times with only water between meals and you may have to find how often you need whitening touch up to maintain the shade of white you want.
You can try either the office teeth whitening or home teeth whitening. There are various products with different percentages of either hydrogen peroxide or carbomide peroxide.
If you use the right product you can get a good result.
There are a few options you can do to lighten your teeth. An oral exam would give you a better idea of what your options are. If you would like to book an appointment please feel free to contact the office anytime.

Thank you for your inquiry,
You can have a cleaning at a dentist and you can use over the counter teeth whitening or you can get the dentist to whiten your teeth.
There are many ways to reverse the staining on your teeth. The first thing that you would need to do is establish the cause. Teeth can yellow due to various reasons such as, but not limited to: thinning of enamel, coffee drinking, tea drinking, smoking, erosion, and attrition. Some of these would require restorative treatment of some kind to whiten the test. Some require just a cleaning. There is also the option of whitening teeth as well. The key here would be to establish the cause of the discoloration so that
the appropriate treatment can be determined to achieve your desired result.
Without examination, no dentist would recommend exactly how to go about solving your problem as clinical judgement needs to be followed along with a complete check-up. Then, your dentist can recommend a whitening procedure and or possible veneers in order to change the shading of your smile. It's not a good idea to start whitening without having a dental check-up as there are variances in the amount of actual enamel you have. There are also metabolic deficiencies that cause you to have no enamel and the yellowing that you see is the underlying tooth material that is much more sensitive than enamel is. Your dietary habits as well may be addressed to determine if what you're ingesting has anything to do with your disappointment in the shade of your teeth. All of this is more efficiently done in a dental office.
You can bleach your teeth, but after the bleaching you should be watching what you eat. Colorful food will stain your teeth, you can do bleaching maintenance (which usually comes with office bleaching) or repeat bleaching. Another option to cover your front teeth with veneers, which is a more invasive and expensive procedure, but probably the best (of course it depends, on the doctor and lab. technician), because you can not only choose the color ,but the shape of the teeth as well.

See a dentist to find out the cause and working out a treatment accordingly is the best thing to do.
Probably not, teeth darken as we age. Consider tooth leaching or even better Porcelain Veneers.
You can get teeth whitening.
The first step is to visit your dentist and make sure you have no cavities. The next step is to do some sort of whitening - whether over the counter, such as Crest Whitening Strips, or dentist-supervised, such as a take-home kit, or in-office bleaching. Dentist-supervised bleaching tends to be a stronger solution and works a little better. Bear in mind that if you do anything that stains your teeth, bleaching will be, essentially, a waste of time and money because your teeth will stain again rather quickly. Therefore, before bleaching, it would be a good idea to either stop drinking tea and coffee or start drinking them through a straw, and if you smoke, stop. Other things that stain teeth are anything that would stain a white countertop, such as eating alot of cherries and blueberries or drinking berry juices or Hawaiian Punch red. If you want to be really drastic and spend a lot of money, you could place laminates on your teeth. Bonding will look good for a short time and then they, too, will stain.