“How can I strengthen my spine?”
I am a 26 year old female. I want to know how can I strengthen my spine?
7 Answers
There are many exercises that can help strengthening the spine. Mainly for stretching it is great to perform flexion stretches to ease discomfort. The best way to have a strong back is strengthening your abdominal muscles. Your core is your bodies cast for your back.
There are some specific exercises that you can do to strengthen the supporting muscles of your spine, depending on your physical condition. There are supplements that you can take that may help strengthen the ligaments and tendons as well as the joints. It would be necessary to take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination before making specific recommendations, as each individual has different abilities and needs.
Chiropractic adjustments and exercises. Search ‘lower back workout with Dr. Eric Goodman’ on YouTube for a great back exercise to help strengthen the back. It’s 11:59 long. Do this daily for best results.
First and easiest... Walk , 1-5 miles a day. best if on uneven ground for part of it at least. Next core exercises... always start with very easy ones, master them being able to do them with good form and lots of rep or time before moving to harder ones. Find a DC / PT to help if you have a history of problems with your back.