“How can I get rid of bags under my eyes?”
I have had bags under my eyes for almost 3 years now. How can I get rid of eye bags? Can plastic surgery help?
4 Answers
There are several options and the final choice can be made after an examination. The options are: Blepharoplasty, Fillers, Treatment with Threads or a mid-face-lift.
Bags under eyes may be a result of excess skin, bulging fat pads or a combination. Evaluation will determine the appropriate treatment from skin tightening to skin and/or fat pad removal.
Bags or puffiness under the lower eyelids, is often one of the most common complaints that patients have about this area. There are methods of injections that can camouflage it. However, surgery that removes and adjusts them is the only permanent solution. Speak to a board certified, member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons about what your options are.
Alan Matarasso
Alan Matarasso