Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

How do you fix pancreatitis?

I am a 20 year old female. I was diagnosed with pancreatitis. How do you fix pancreatitis?

3 Answers

Most common cause of Pancreatitis is excessive alcohol use.
It depends on what caused you to have pancreatitis to begin with. You’re young and you should definitely see a gastroenterologist for treatment so it doesn’t turn into a recurrent or even chronic condition. Hope you don’t drink alcohol. Check triglyceride levels, get a CT SCAN to rule out pancreas divisum. Is there a family history? There’s multiple reasons that can cause this.
Pancreatitis is treated by resting the pancreas, holding food and/or liquids until pain subsides, giving IV fluids and controlling pain with medications. Severe pancreatitis can take many days or weeks to recover. Mild cases can improve in 1-2 days. Sometimes, doctors mis-diagnose pancreatitis, An elevated lipase in the blood is not enough to make a diagnosis. Better to have characteristic epigastric pain and a CT scan showing inflamed pancreas along with high lipase level.