Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

How long does an extracted wisdom tooth take to heal?

I am a 27 year old male who needs a wisdom tooth extracted. How long does an extracted wisdom tooth take to heal?

4 Answers

Every extraction is different, whether the tooth is erupted, impacted, tissue or bony impaction - all of these types of extraction healing times will vary.
Gum closure can take up to 1 month and bone up to 8 to 9 months.
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There are many factors involved here.  Is the tooth erupted, partially in bone, or totally in bone?  And every patient has a different tolerance to discomfort so sthere is no way to predict this.  I suggest you ask thew dentist who is gong to remove it.  He will probably have a better idea.
Wisdom teeth can be very easy to take out sometimes, and other times they can be very difficult and take up to an hour to remove. How long it takes to heal depends on:
1. your age (the older you are, the slower you heal)
2. how difficult your teeth were to remove (your dentist or oral surgeon can tell you how difficult they will likely be)
3. other heal factors, such as diabetes, that cause delayed healing.

In general, most people that have their wisdom teeth out are able to eat normal foods again within 3-5 days, but the sockets where the teeth came out may not close for up to 2 weeks, which is normal.