Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How long does chest pain usually last in children?

My 7 year old daughter has occasional chest pain. How long does chest pain usually last in children?

2 Answers

It depends on the cause. Not sure if you mean how many years will she have it or how long each episode will last. I would recommend seeing your pmd.
This is a tough question because it depends on the cause of the chest pain.
The good news is that most chest pain in 7 year olds are benign (non-life threatening) and usually resolves over a few days to weeks..
With that being said, one needs information on how long it has been going on, whther it is intermittent or constant, the location of the pain when it occurs, whether it spreads anywhere else, nature of the pain (sharp, burning, squeezing), how long it lasts, what precipitates it and what makes it better if any and whether there are associated symptoms in order to provide an informed opinion. Anything short of that is a wild guess.