Dentist Questions Dentist

How long does it take for a clot to form after a tooth extraction?

I am a 34 year old female I want to know how long does it take for a clot to form after a tooth extraction?

5 Answers

Depends on your clotting ability. Usually a few minutes to an hour.
The clot literally forms within minutes after the extraction, but it takes over 24 hours to stabilize, which is why there are usually recommendations to avoid brushing the area, not to rinse too vigorously, don't use a straw, and not to chew on it.
Should start forming a clot immediately but the healing of the extraction site can take up to 6 weeks.

A clot usually forms within minutes of a tooth extraction. If the clotting process did not start that quickly we would never be able to have a tooth extracted as we would lose too much blood. However, it does take some time to get the clot to stabilize and this is why the doctor has the patient bite down on a piece of gauze for 30 minutes after the extraction. After 30 minutes the clot should be stable and if it continues to bleed then a doctor should be contacted immediately (preferably the doctor who took the tooth out, but any professional opinion would be good). If the clot is no longer their after 30 minutes and there is no bleeding then it is possible for alveolar osteitis (dry socket). Dry socket is defined by the formation of a blood clot but then the loss of the blood clot after the extraction. Depending on when this blood clot is lost, it could be a very painful condition and present in a couple different colors. This is because the clot protects the socket, and when it is lost, there is nothing left to protect it by healing. The symptoms of dry socket will usually abate within two weeks and there is a paste that can be put in the socket to take away the pain, but it tastes awful.
Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD
The clot begins to form immediately after the extraction. It is imperative that it forms as this is the first stage of the healing process.