Dentist Questions Dentist

How long does it take for a gum graft to fully heal?

I am a 54 year old female. I want to know how long does it take for a gum graft to fully heal?

5 Answers

At least 2-3 months, maybe longer.
6-8 weeks as long as you are a non-smoker.

You will know that healing has begun when the soft tissues are shrinking and there is less swelling. The gum tissues gradually start to bind to the root surface and nearby bone surface as well. New vessels will also start to form and the tissues will receive enough blood supply. This healing stage spans from four to six weeks after the surgery. The palate takes longer to heal than the gum graft and spans from six to eight weeks following the surgery. For the first few days, you will experience a burning sensation and it will take about 14 days before the discomfort will stop. The healing period may last more than two months if there is swelling or if the tissue removal resulted in an exposed bone.
It may take a few weeks for a gum graft to fully heal. Gum grafts continue to get better over time.
The tissues in the mouth have an excellent blood supply. They are among the fastest healing tissues in the body.