“How long does it take for pink eye to go away?”
I am a 31 year old male and I have pink eye. How long does it take for pink eye to go away?
8 Answers
Depends upon the nature of the infection. Most "pink eye" is due to one of about 40 viruses and the length of the condition can be from 3 days to 10 days for most. Two of them have a lengthy course that can last for up to 2-3 months. These are quite rare.
Pink Eye should be treated by an ophthalmologist, rather than a pediatrician. When treated it typically last five days to a week. Pink Eye is extremely contagious, and towels, sheets and pillowcases should be separated, and special hand washing should be initiated.
Typically about 3-4 weeks but can be much longer. If it’s lasting longer than that I would definitely recommend a full eye exam with your doctor to make sure there is nothing else going on and to make sure the viral conjunctivitis (pink eye) is not causing any other problems in the eye that may need treatment.