“How long does it take for wisdom teeth holes to heal?”
I'm 27 years old, and I had my wisdom teeth removed this week and the holes (or, I guess the socket) still haven't healed. How long do these areas usually take to heal?
11 Answers
For the sockets to close it can take a couple of month for the bone to form and calcify, healing happens fast, depending on how was the surgery and if it was a simple or complicated removal.
It generally takes up to 2 weeks for the gums to heal over the extraction site. There will still be a "hole" or "dip" in the gums for several weeks. It takes about 6 months for the underlying bone to be healed after an extraction. Continue to follow all post-operative instructions given by your dentist, and schedule a follow-up visit if you continue to have concerns.
it usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. Follow the postop instructions given to you by your dentist. I wish you a speedy recovery ..
It usually takes a while to heal. All bodies are different. If it was just this week, keep up with the salt water rinses. Call your office where you had the procedure done, they should be willing to talk to you. They should have given you some take home instructions or talked to you about how to take care of a healing site. I was in my 30's when I had my wisdom teeth out and I healed a little slower than a teenager. You should see progress within the first 2 weeks. The first week can be very tender and painful, no smoking or straws please.
With good health (healthy immune system, no history of diabetes, no history of blood disorders etc) the typical "closure" time is around 2-3 weeks. This can vary depending on the location and size of the surgery sites. For the fastest healing and best results: avoid sharp(chips, hardshell tacos etc), overly hot, or strongly alcoholic foods and make sure to keep the holes clean from food or debris until they close.
It takes about 1 month for extraction site to heal completely if there are no complications.
Monika Tyszkowski, DDS
Monika Tyszkowski, DDS
Very often it will take up to two months for the area to heal and fill in with bone. With the tooth gone, the tissue and bone level is usually lower than the original level.