Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How long does it take to fix bad posture?

I am a 22 year old male and I have bad posture from my job. How long does it take to fix bad posture?

15 Answers

That depends on the severity of your posture, how long you have had bad posture, and what you are willing to do. The chiropractor can offer you advice on ergonomic, exercises, and treatment. You should find a health care professional that will take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination before treating. A chiropractor is a good place to start.
It takes less time than it will if you wait longer. It also depends on how many hours you have to work in that position, how often you get adjusted and IF you do the exercises recommended daily. If it were me, I would start with a 60 min deep tissue massage, (you likely will be sore from this for 1-2 days) basic adjustments to whole spine, and then after motion is restored to all joints start yoga 2 x week.
It's an ongoing battle. It takes lifetime to correct and maintain a proper posture.
I can’t tell exactly how long is going to take, but once you start doing stretching exercises, taking breaks, and be aware of your posture you are going to see the changes right away.
There is no definite timeline, every individual is different and we all work at different paces. Put in the effort and your posture can be fixed.
A month of doing postural exercises and strength training religiously.
There are multiple facets to the treatment and correction of improper or imbalanced posture which makes it hard to estimate an exact amount of time it would take to completely correct. However, with specific, chiropractic, structural adjustments and sustained ergonomic changes made by the patient, correcting bad posture can be achieved in an efficient amount of time.

Correcting "bad posture" can take a while -- depending on what other spinal changes have occurred. Anywhere from 6-12 months, sometimes longer. Again, it depends on how "bad" the posture is, i.e., which is determined on X-rays, as well as any other underlying spinal issues.

Stay safe,

Angie Skokos, DC, MS
The time required depends on your underlying issues, what you are willing to actually do to correct and maintain the corrections, and how much you get re-exacerbated by your life and lifestyle.

Thank you for the question. 22 years old is very young to be having issues with posture. Everybody responds to treatment differently.
Depending on cause and severity, it can take 6-12 weeks with proper intervention to correct postural deformity. If it’s a congenital problem, it will take longer.

Dr. Weaks

A "fix" for posture is a very vague term to help you get a treatment plan, however, if you are considering symptom relief due to your work, keeping your body active on a daily basis and trying to sit with your lower back fully supported on an ergonomically safe chair will help reduce the symptoms. Keep in mind staying in a single position more than 45 minutes (seated or standing) is not healthy, and there needs to be a change in sedentary position by taking a short break or changing from seated to standing and vice versa.
Typically months to years.
If you are performing the stretches and exercises to correct your posture every day, you can reverse it rather quickly. I would expect drastic improvement in 1 month.
Chiropractic is a licensed doctor who does diagnosis and either preforms and/or recommends treatment. The question is what is causing the problem with the spine and that requires diagnosis. Diagnosis can't be done without an examination. If the cause is postural then Chiropractic care with it's many therapeutic treatments including exercises is the treatment of choice. However, if the problem has a structural component the treatments will still help, but may not totally eliminate the underlying cause. Don't wait to have the examination as the younger the patient is when the problems is detected and treated the better.