Dentist Questions Dentist

How long does swelling last after dental bone graft?

I am a 38 year old female. I will have a dental bone graft surgery. How long does swelling last after dental bone graft?

4 Answers

With good general health, no smoking / vaping and proper home care swelling and inflammation should resolve after 24 - 48 hours. If it persists your Dr. might feel it necessary to use an antibiotic.
You won't reach your peak swelling for 48 hours when it begins to subside. Using ice on your face and perhaps even inside your mouth (30 minutes on/off) will help lessen the amount of swelling. Ice should be used for at least 3 days for best effect.
It should not swell.

Swelling after a bone graft can vary widely depending on the type of bone graft being done, the person doing the bone graft, and whether or not it is being done at the same time as a tooth extraction.
Sometimes there is no swelling at all with a bone graft. This is normally the case when the graft being done is "socket preservation". This is a bone graft done after a tooth extraction. This means placing bone graft material into the socket where the tooth came out and it is done to preserve as much bone around the tooth as possible. If there is any swelling with this type of bone graft it is not from the bone graft; it is from the extraction of the tooth.
Sometimes it is not as simple as "socket preserving" bone graft. Sometimes other grafts need to be done where bone graft is added onto the jaw bone for one reason or another. Sometimes the jaw bone is not wide enough and the best way to get the right width is to divide the bone and widen it. This is known as "ridge split". These procedures are more invasive than the simple "socket preservation" and are more likely to have swelling afterward. Regardless, if swelling does occur the peak onset is 4 days. That is to say the swelling will start and continue until 4 days and then start going away. Most of the time it is gone long before this though.
Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD