“How long is pilonidal cyst surgery recovery?”
I am a 38 year old female and I have a pilonidal cyst. How long is pilonidal cyst surgery recovery?
3 Answers
Depends upon type of surgery and how much tissue removed. Post operative care with hair removal and wound care is key. May take several weeks to heal completely.
It depends on the type of surgery that is done. There are many different ways to remove the cyst, and each may require or not require wound care. If the wound is left open, it may require wound care for 4-6 weeks. If the wound is closed, it may be uncomfortable for about 2 weeks.
Unfortunately, wound healing is poor and recurrence rates are high due to the poor blood supply in this area. Be sure to discuss this in detail with your surgeon.
Unfortunately, wound healing is poor and recurrence rates are high due to the poor blood supply in this area. Be sure to discuss this in detail with your surgeon.