“How many days rest is required after Lasik surgery?”
I am a 27 year old male. I will have Lasik eye surgery soon. How many days rest is required after Lasik surgery?
7 Answers
The majority of patients we treat return to work and driving the next day. If the patient undergoes PR which about 5 to 20% of patients undergo, recover is three to four days
This should be discussed with your lasik surgeon. Each surgeon and surgery is slightly different. Some a day, others a few days.
As in all types of surgery it depends upon the starting points and how the surgery progressed. Most people could easily go back to half time on day one after LASIK surgery. If they had a long , hour , commute I would probably try to work from home. However, larger corrections may take up to 5 days for the brain to wort out its new information. The best scenario is to take it easy for the first week. Walking exercise is fine but I would forego the gym. Non strenuous work should be OK for most. Enjoy your NEW VISION !
You really only need to rest for the evening after the procedure. Next day can resume normal activities as long as you protect your eyes from water, dirt and physical contact from a finger or object (sports, etc.).
Mark F. Pyfer, MD, MS, FACS
Mark F. Pyfer, MD, MS, FACS