“How many hours should a pregnant woman sleep?”
I am a 23 year old pregnant woman. I want to know how many hours should a pregnant woman sleep?
6 Answers
All of us should have adequate sleep, pregnant or not. There is no set RULE about this. Some women find they are more fatigued in early pregnancy and require a mid day nap. Some do not. Pregnancy is a normal state. The man thing I suggest is to listen to your body. If you need to lay down during the day, do so. If you need more sleep at night, then go to bed earlier at night. You will know when you have had enough.
Pregnancy interferes with your normal sleeping pattern and this changes every trimester (every 12 weeks). You normally would feel sleepy all day during your first trimester, 2nd trimester : possible usual sleeping pattern and third trimester you could hardly sleep 4-5 hours a night, nap if you need to.
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Stay Healthy!
This is variable. Initial stages most women tend to be fatigued and sleep more hours than usual.. This changes as the pregnancy progresses to few hours of sleep at and during the late stages of the pregnancy in the late 3rd trimester.