Optometrist Questions Optometrist

How often should I change my contacts?

I am a 19 year old female. I will start wearing contacts soon. How often should I change my contacts?

8 Answers

Dailies are the healthiest lenses to wear. No need to buy solution. Sterile lenses daily and less chance of eye infections. There are now different levels of dailies with higher water content and other advantages.
There are so many wonderful modalities. When you decide I'd you prefer daily contacts that you toss after wearing for a day or possibly a monthly lens that you clean every night after wearing, you will understand better what is to be done
The frequency of changing your contact lenses depends on the type of contacts you are prescribed. It's crucial to follow your eye doctor's instructions and not exceed the wearing schedule to maintain eye health and prevent complications. Additionally, always practice good hygiene and proper lens care to avoid eye infections. This means washing your hands before handing the contact lenses whether it to put them on or take them off. Always use fresh solution and replace your contact lens case monthly, if you use one.
There are so many options available range from daily wear to monthly disposable. Please See your optometrist for more advices
Depends on the contact lenses you wear but usually for soft contact lenses either every day or every 2weeks or every month.
Depends on the type you were prescribed. I prefer dailies, they are thrown away nightly.
That will vary based on the contact lenses that you are prescribed. Some are to be discarded every day, some every two weeks, and some monthly. There are some specialty contact lenses that may be able to be discarded less often. The eye doctor that you visit should help you to choose which option works best for your lifestyle.
Everyday !! Don’t sleep in them !