“How should I maintain my gum health?”
I am 27 years old and I brush my teeth twice a day and floss once a week. While teeth hygiene and health is taken care of, what should I do to ensure good health in my gums?
18 Answers
The American Dental Association and the American Academy of periodontology recommend flossing once a day. I, however, would increase that, use a soft bristle brush, and change it often to eliminate untoward bacteria, which can lead to cavities and you should be good to go. Remember to see your dentist twice a year.
What I've seen in my practice is that people tell me they brush once or twice a day, but they seem to not brush at their gumline, and then they start bleeding so they avoid their gums. To ensure good gum health: Be sure to brush twice a day along your gumline, and floss nightly and use a tongue scraper nightly to disrupt any bacteria that may have started to colonize. If you are diabetic, try to maintain good sugar control. Nothing too magical.
Appropriate brushing technique, flossing daily, and having cleanings done every 6 months by a dentist or a hygienist.
You need to floss every day. Try to do it in the morning during your usual morning routine. Flossing is the quickest and easiest way to prevent gum problems that you might develop in the future.
What you are doing is good. You might want to increase the number of days you floss. Flossing at night before going to bed is important. The only other thing is make sure you diet is appropriate, limiting sugars, and excess acids.
Great news that you're on top of brushing and flossing. Keep these habits as your daily routine with regular checkups every 6 months with your dentist and following healthy diets by avoiding and reducing acidic surgery foods or drinks, with no smoking or any tobacco use, either. Monitor your general health issues to make sure there's no underlying health disease that could affect the health of the gum, such as diabetes, asthma, etc. Also, knowing such medications could cause dry mouth that could lead to gum problems such as antidepressants and steroids could cause dry mouth that leads to gum health.
Flossing frequency and technique is very important in oral health. Make sure you floss every night before bed time and also while flossing, make sure you are dropping the floss completely under the gum. At first you will experience some tenderness and bleeding but that is good. Continue on flossing deep under the gums and in just one week you notice no tenderness and no bleeding.
Flossing 1-2x daily will greatly improve your gum health. Try it for a couple weeks and you should see improvement. Adding a Waterpik can also help flush out lots of hidden food particles from between the teeth and gums. Also, having your teeth cleaned professionally more often (e.g., 3-4 times a year) will help keep your oral health in better shape.
I highly recommend that you floss every day, ideally after each meal. Make sure you're changing your brush every 3-4 months and only use a soft bristle brush. Never brush side to side. You either want to brush using small, circular strokes or up and down. Make sure you brush the backs of your teeth and the biting surfaces. Don't forget to use a tongue scraper as well. You also want to use mouth rinse.
Another good habit is to drink plenty of water and especially drink a glass of water after each meal. A lot of the foods we consume are acidic and can weaken he enamel of your teeth. The water will help neutralize the pH in your mouth and rinse away some of the food debris. You want to wait 30-45 mins after that to brush your teeth.
Another good habit is to drink plenty of water and especially drink a glass of water after each meal. A lot of the foods we consume are acidic and can weaken he enamel of your teeth. The water will help neutralize the pH in your mouth and rinse away some of the food debris. You want to wait 30-45 mins after that to brush your teeth.
Hi, I am glad to hear you brush twice a day. It would be great if you can floss twice per day as well. Keep your 6 month professional cleaning appointments to ensure gingival health. In case of gingival inflammations you can use Peridex rinses prescribed by your dentist as well. Regards
As long as you are brushing right way, your daily brushing routine is good. You need to floss more often though. Flossing is recommended once a day. So, you need to improve that. Start with 2 days a week then 3 and gradually make a habit of doing it once daily.

Amy G. David
We recommend flossing more frequently...ideally every day. Also, seeing your local dentist for a check-up and cleaning on a regular basis is critical to discovering and treating any dental problem in an early stage. Even when following the recommended home care guidelines, you will still get some amount of tarter build-up in hard to reach places, than need to be removed by a professional Hygeinist. Also periodontal disease is a multi-factorial disease...and some people who try their best with their home care might still battle the disease due to genetics and other health related factors. Again, a dental check-up can ensure that you are doing everything needed to maintain optimal oral health for your teeth and gums.
Daily flossing is important to prevent bacteria to begin colonizing between your teeth and beginning the process of early gum disease, aka gingivitis.
As Ambassador Spock would say, “Live Long, Floss Often”
As Ambassador Spock would say, “Live Long, Floss Often”
Congratulations on brushing your teeth at least twice a day. There are additional improvements that you should make:
(1) Floss your teeth DAILY.
(2) Use a Waterpik water flosser at least once daily. It's an easy, but effective way to improve cleaning your teeth & improve your gingival health.
(3) Rinse with full-strength Listerine for 1-2 minutes after completing your oral hygiene regime. Listerine helps to kill the bacteria that cause gingival inflammation & infections.
(1) Floss your teeth DAILY.
(2) Use a Waterpik water flosser at least once daily. It's an easy, but effective way to improve cleaning your teeth & improve your gingival health.
(3) Rinse with full-strength Listerine for 1-2 minutes after completing your oral hygiene regime. Listerine helps to kill the bacteria that cause gingival inflammation & infections.
Ensure good health in your gums by taking frequent dental visits to one of the expert dental hygienists near to you. Whether you brush your teeth twice a day and even, floss once a week, it is highly needed to go for a regular dental checkup to maintain good health of your teeth and gum.