“How to do prevent hearing loss?”
I am a 34 year old male who is worried about losing hearing. How to do prevent hearing loss?
3 Answers
At 34, unless you have a family history of hearing loss or are exposed to high noise levels, maintaining good hearing is usually relatively simple. The most common cause of hearing loss is excessive noise from your occupation, social, or recreational activities. The best thing you can do is minimize your noise exposures. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended noise exposure level to prevent hearing loss is 80 decibels (dB) for adults and 75 dB for children; this means limiting exposure to sounds at or below these levels for extended periods of time to minimize the risk of hearing damage. If you are around higher noise levels, inexpensive disposable earplugs are available at your local pharmacy or hardware store. If you prefer a more personalized approach, you can visit an audiologist to have custom earplugs made--but expect to pay around $200 for these. Joe Baker, MA, CCC-A Audiologist <https://hearsci.com/> 440-438-3401
Avoid excessive noise exposure and any type of recurrent ear infections that help protect the health of your ears. Trauma can also affect years either acoustic trauma with loud noise or direct trauma to the head. All of this could cause hearing loss.
The most preventable type of hearing loss is noise-induced hearing loss. To prevent noise from damaging your hearing, you should wear sufficient hearing protection when needed (i.e., firearm use, occupational noise, concerts, etc). If there is not genetic hearing loss in the family, it is unlikely you'll develop hearing loss prior to the age of 50. I wouldn't worry about it.