Hand Surgeon Questions Hand Surgeon

How to treat carpal tunnel syndrome?

I am a 46 year old female who frequently experiences carpal tunnel syndrome. What hand surgeries can stop or reduce my pain?

6 Answers

There is a range of treatments for cts activity modification, ice, anti inflammatory medicine, cortisone injections, splinting , therapy and surgery. Depending upon the severity of the carpal tunnel and how you respond a hand surgeon may recommend different things before surgery. However for severe or moderately severe cts with constant tingling and muscle weakness in the thenars surgery is more often l advocated. Milder cases can respond to non surgical treatment. Oh and Don’t underestimate the power of nighttime ( sleeptime) splinting - don’t make it tight!!
If you are diagnosed with carpal tunnel and it’s not considered mild, then surgery will help you.
The surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome is called a carpal tunnel release. During the procedure, the transverse carpal ligament is released to open up the carpal tunnel to free the median nerve from being compressed.
The first treatment may be a steroid injection into the carpal tunnel, unless the carpal tunnel syndrome is advanced. In that case, an endoscopic carpal tunnel release is a time tested, minimally invasive procedure. This procedure has been shown in longitudinal studies to have significantly less pain than the open procedure for the first 6 weeks.
Well, it sounds like you should be evaluated by a hand surgeon. There is surgery that works well for carpal tunnel syndrome. However, if your main symptom is pain, you may not have carpal tunnel syndrome.
Good luck!

Harrison Solomon, M.D.

If you think that you have carpal tunnel syndrome, then you should see a hand surgeon to confirm the diagnosis and treatment options. Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome varies from splints and activity modification, steroid injections for certain patients, and surgery, if indicated. Surgery can be performed "open" or endoscopic. Again, I would recommend that you consult a hand surgeon.